Jack Zawacki

Attending: WPI

Studying: Engineering

Favorite Sutherland Baseball memory: Winning sectionals in 2019

A special message from your family:  Jack, the joy is in the journey. Over the years we’ve shared laughter, tears, cheers, and did our best to help you navigate life lessons presented through baseball. One of the most important: hard work is key and takes you a very long way, but there are no guarantees. It’s humility, hope and perseverance that carry you through.

The countless hours we logged in the car traveling to tournaments and games with you meant the world to us. We drove by goats on a cliff in West Virginia, saw sparkling fireflies in Maryland, sat in Bronx traffic at midnight (seven hours before your math final exam), ate dinner on July 4 at a Cracker Barrel in remote Georgia, went fishing in Florida, and watched fireworks in too many towns to remember. You learned how to use maps, turn a hotel sink into a washing machine, make a peanut butter and fluff sandwich, patched up your own bumps and bruises, and if you got knocked down seven times–you got up eight. You know what it means to feel the kindness of strangers, you were a friend to teammates who needed support, and worked on being comfortable when you were outside of your comfort zone.

It was one of the greatest joys of our lives to watch you grow up. We couldn’t be prouder of­ you—and we know baseball helped make you who you are. You have the tools in your toolbox to go out and make the world a better place. Go get ‘em, kid. We will always be cheering you on.

Love always, Mom, Dad, and Mabel + Betty, Barry, Zella, Neptune and Troy

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